If you’re wondering why there is stencil art suddenly appearing all over Medway you’ve come to the right place.

Back in Nov/Dec 2020, in the middle of a raging pandemic Medway council awarded me and ten other artists public art commissions. For when things start to open up again to remind everyone to stay safe. February was floated at the time. Who would have thought…

In the meantime Covid left its mark, with personal family members, friends and schools affected, anyone living in Medway has likely lost or felt the virus in some severe way.

Now three months on there is some hope, and about time to say THANK YOU to all key workers in Medway for risking their and their families‘ lives to keep us all going.

In the coming days you can watch 15 temporary stencils across Medway High Streets popping up. And it‘s not just the usual locations on Rochester and Chatham High Street. 

There will be stencil art from Hoo to Twydall bringing all the different places in Medway together, reminding us that as we return to shopping and some sort of normality we all have to do our bit to remain vigilant. 

From me personally it‘s a heartfelt thank you for the tireless work by all key workers throughout the pandemic. And not just doctors and nurses who have had to show incredible resilience and strength but also all the unsung heroes such as public workers, volunteers, cleaners, retail staff, couriers, police officers and many many more.  And if you wonder why and how Entertainers made the list: I genuinely don’t think any of us would have coped being locked up without entertainment and some humour. So thank you to you too!

I hope you enjoy discovering all the different stencils and if you want, take a photo, tag it with #medwayheroes and say thank you to your Medway hero too. Or take a photo of a personal Medway hero of yours, a kind neighbour, friend or whoever inspired you to keep going.

From me a special personal thank you goes to all the Council staff, businesses, charities and community centres who kindly and generously volunteered their time and especially walls for the artwork. Without you this wouldn’t have happened. And to Rachel Moore from iPrintedThat.com who has helped me clean up graffiti, freshen up some walls and put up the artwork.

All locations and official funding bodies can be found on Medway council‘s website:  http://www.medway.gov.uk/therainboweffect (live from 31 March). There‘s also more art to explore.

For more photos and behind the scenes follow me on instagram @yemohdesign

Let’s put back some colour into life.